Industrial Manufacturing

Fabricating products for industrial use requires high-quality components and precision manufacturing. Pace is your ideal Industrial Manufacturing partner.

With more than two decades of experience working directly in the market, Pace understands what it takes to bring a successful industrial product to life. We can either supplement your project with choice components or help you design, develop and manufacture a customized product from concept to delivery.

Building the infrastructure necessary to manufacture industrial parts can be cost-prohibitive for many companies requiring services such as metal extrusion and die casting. Partnering with Pace gives you access to precision manufacturing without the large upfront capital investment.

Pace manufactures custom parts such as motors, displays, batteries, battery packs, and a variety of metal components that meet the necessary specifications for use in an industrial environment. For high-volume projects that require the strength of seamless metal parts, Pace offers die-casting services. Die-casting also works well for protective enclosures for projects that have computer and electronic parts. Additionally, Pace has metal extrusion services, and PCBA and other sub-assemblies for the Industrial market.

Pace has a dedicated manufacturing facility in China and other manufacturing partners that extend throughout the far east, as well as stateside assembly capabilities. We can accommodate projects large and small from simple to complex.

And all of what we do is backed by our quality control processes. Partnering with Pace offers cost savings from the beginning and our quality measures ensure that the value extends all the way through to the end user.

Our state-of-the-art facilities, optimized manufacturing processes and established logistical network can all help to accelerate your time to market.

If you have a product you want to design or parts or components you need to source, contact our stateside project managers to learn how you can partner with Pace.

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